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bio-identical hormones

bio-identical hormones

bio-identical hormones

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21 day jump start
weight loss plan

Do your current eating habits need a re-set? Or do you have a special event coming up soon and would like to lose some weight? Sometimes a short program such as our 21 Day Jump Start can provide you with the weight loss you need and re-set and refocus your mind to make healthier choices.
21 Days of Meals & Meal Plans along
with guidance & accountability
This diet will help you…
Lose weight, between 5 and 20 pounds
Understand why you gained weight
Stop the progression of diabetes, high blood pressure & other co-morbidities
Boost your metabolism and turn on fat burning
Improve fatty liver disease and encourage liver regeneration
Kick the sugar habit and diminish cravings
Control your appetite
Improve your A1c blood glucose levels
Encourage daily health practices
Understand how to manage your weight and improve your health for life!
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